Monday, May 28, 2007
You give your love and friendship unconditionally. You enjoy long, thoughtful conversations rich in philosophy and spirituality. You are very loyal and intuitive.
>.> errr is tt a gd thing? ._.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
heh have not been posting for quite some time.
a few weeks i guess >.>
had lots of things to do.
schedule abit tight larrr ._.
though i have not been posting for some time,
nevertheless there were many things tt happened.
like nco camp,wad happened on mother's day and all tt.
i do not realli have the time to type out everything tt happened on every single occasion >.>
im just gonna giv a BRIEF explanation on wad happened -.-
1.nco camp
-wasnt realli considered tough(though it was,but actually it wasnt. well if u noe wad i mean -.-)
-learnt more abt leadership and stuff.
-got to have a closer relationship wif squadmates.
-understood squadmates better.
-learnt many other things(lazy to type out =x)
nco camp, like i said, wasnt realli tough.
though i actually got a slight fever -.- (partly due to the fact tt i didnt eat enuff for breakfast and ate veri little for previous night's dinner due to some reasons)
but i persevered + endured !! xDDD
sry to those hu drank my bottle on tt day =x
especially xinyi and momo >.>
they both fell sick becoz of me -.-
my fever onli lasted for like, a few hours but xinyi lay in bed for 2 days o.o
momo just got sick onli lol.
actually on sat she alreadi have sorethroat or some other symptoms. >.>
the CIs have tone down alot i guess >.>
maybe they have given up on us lolz.
well not exactly la but still. >.>
made kenny sir EXTREMELY mad.
disappointed alot of CIs.
Squadmates disappointed in themselves.
Quite depressing actually, well looking at the rate our squad have been doin.
But still,nevertheless, THERE IS STILL HOPE >.>
as long as everyone works hard together,im veri sure tt all of us wld make others as well as ourselves proud.
onli thing is we just nid to be able to manage our time abit >.>
well most of us lol.
All of us in the squad are rapidly improving ourselves without even knowing it.
for eg. Ching Chang, Ziling, Farhana, Leon,Kenneth.
All 4 of them were quiet or annoying ppl last time.(well actually still are but improved in their character abit alreadi la)
Ziling finally shouted and is more open now.
Chin Chang takes more initiative than most of us in the squad.
Farhana,more serious,at the same time learnt how to loosen up sometimes.currently tinking of ways to improve the unit and is realli serious abt NPCC.
Leon Tan. Well...nid i say anything? lol. Have..ahem..matured abit more. Toned down on his 'childishness'.
Kenneth. More active but at the same time more childish -.-''. Have become more open and nevertheless, more responsible(i guess -.-).
Those were not the onli ppl tt improved.
there r still many but its just tt lazy xDD
Well after Farhana heard tt she was one of those ICs for Sec 2, she immediately wanted to find the strength of Hai Qiang(or however u spell his name) lols.
Most of us cannot tolerate this idiosyncrasy of his and so, given up on him.
But Farhana is determined to help this little boy (lol little boy -.-) despite his weird behaviour.
And tts somethin i hope tt she can achieve, well infact everyone can achieve >.>
Cos if they dun, i duno wad will NPCC be like in the nxt..few mths or so? o.o
Most of us must be tinking,' its onli one person person wun die one la' or however u all put it lolz.
Yes, the population of this kind of weird/annoying ppl maybe just a few.
But it is this small amt of ppl, tt allows the unit to be respected and looked upon.
Not by their totally untolerable annoyance -.-
wad im trying to say is,
every ppl in the unit counts.
1 person frm the unit go play around until somethin happened and there goes our reputation.
well if u noe wad i mean -.-
tts where our motto(?) comes in.
'All for one, one for all.'
Many CIs have been emphasising on this and its a gd thing.(of course)
Little things help to make little,useless things, to become more successful things.
ok so many things -.-
aiya u all shld get my point la.
ok too much abt npcc.
now for wad happened today.
prepared logistics for tmr's Games Day.
Had fun with those guys in the UG room(playing truth or dare when we did finish our stuff and had nth else to do)
and all tt.
wait those are all related to npcc zzzz.
nvm nth wrong-.-
ps: dun be upset joseph and a few other squadmates hu r not contented wif the positions they r in. like i mentioned just now, even the least impt ppl (which im not saying u all are) make a veri big difference. besides, w/o all those positions and without u ppl doin ur job, the whole unit wld not be able to function properly. So, jy! Do ur best in wadever uve been appointed to coz every single thing u do makes a veri big difference! >.>
ok im starting to feel lazy lol.
i shall stop here lol.
here r some of the pics tt i took for the past few weeks. :
Playful NaNa lol.